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SECTION 3 - The Ente Tripartito de Obras y Servicios Sanitarios, created by Law No. 23,696, constituted through the Agreement entered into on February 10, 1992 between the National Executive Power, the Province of Buenos Aires and the then Municipality of the City of Buenos Aires, as an autarkic and interjurisdictional entity, is hereby dissolved.

That within the framework of the principles of the National Constitution and the provisions of National Law 23,696 (Section 11 and Annex I, Chapters I and II), on February 10, 1992 the three jurisdictions involved in the provision of water and sanitation services, until then in charge of OBRAS SANITARIAS DE LA NACION, agreed to create the ENTE TRIPARTITITO DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS SANITARIOS.

That the Regulatory Framework of the services subsequently approved by Decree 999/92, organized the institutional legal system and the conditions for rendering services through the concession system, establishing the rights and obligations of providers and users, and the control of compliance with its rules. This Decree, ratifying the provisions of the aforementioned Agreement, which was included as an Annex, contemplated the creation and assignment of functions of the Regulatory Entity as the control and regulation body of the concession.

Hospitals are open today

Good morning to all of you. I am here once again to comply with the provisions of Article 99, paragraph 8 of the Constitution of the Argentine Nation, that is, not only to inaugurate the Legislative Assembly but also to give an account of the State of the Nation.

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Likewise, the reserves of the Central Bank, after nine financial runs, two during President Kirchner's administration and seven during my administration, closed on Friday at 31,456 million dollars.

After -and I want you to please pay attention to the figures- having paid debt expressed in millions of dollars, in pesos, from 2003 to 2014, 92,676 million pesos, plus 112,346 million dollars that we have paid of debt that had not been contracted by either of our two governments, foreign debt and domestic debt.

Never again will governments have to take on debt to pay debt, if we get into debt it should be for infrastructure works, for projects for the country's growth, so that Argentines can enjoy, but not for the profit of the international financial sector.

Lomas de Zamora underpass

PIONEERSThe work in Mental Health of the Province is distinguished at international levelIt was through the publication of an article in a prestigious health magazine that highlighted the progress made in the demanicomialization in the Province of Buenos Aires.

ACCESS TO HEALTHTH The Provincial Cancer Institute presents an online branch search engineWith the opening of the branch at the Dr. Pedro Ecay Hospital in Carmen de Patagones, there are now 85 branches throughout the province.

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INVESTMENT IN HEALTH The Province inaugurated CAPS N°138 and delivered two new ambulances in NecocheaWith an investment of $292 million, the Province built the new CAPS, delivered two new ambulances, and at the same time, the works of two houses and a place for users of the mental health hospital were put in value.

QUINQUENAL PLANKreplak: "We are looking for equal access to health care for everyone "In radio statements he gave details of the plan he presented on Friday with the Governor to integrate the Buenos Aires health system.

Mañana atienden los hospitales públicos

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