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Elisa la rosa inesperada resumen

El rincón del vago resumenes de libros infantiles

Bodoc traza un retrato social de una clase baja desesperanzada que sólo puede hundirse en la marginalidad o seguir adelante. Elisa, la joven protagonista, avanza sin saber muy bien hacia dónde se dirige ni qué demonios (en palabras de la propia escritora) podrían interponerse en su camino.

Para escribir esta novela Liliana Bodoc viajó a los pueblos de San Salvador de Jujuy, Tilcara y Santa Fe. Fue la primera vez que decidió viajar y escribir. También fue la primera vez que decidió compartir su metodología de escritura con sus lectores.

Vagabond's Corner biography

This experience will lead Elisa to return home. In spite of the rejection she felt at the villa, it will end up being the place where she will be able to heal her wounds and meet again with what she rejected so much, but from another place, because she is no longer the same. There too, and through writing, Elisa will be able to heal and rebuild herself. Writing and the word appear then as a path towards the healing of the soul, as a way to understand, comprehend and, from there, heal and find oneself again.

  Cabañas en mar del sur

The corner of the lazy seeker

It might seem too hard and dark a subject for a book of juvenile literature, but it is one of the many daily problems that cross the reality of the world and, therefore, it is necessary to talk about it openly.

  Cortes de agua ushuaia

Bodoc builds a social portrait of a hopeless lower class sector, which has no other choice but to sink into marginality or flee forward. Elisa, the young protagonist, flees forward without knowing where she is going or what demons (to use the writer's words) she may come across along the way.

There you can read the diary of that journey and also the author's annotations. They are notes, poems, corrections, questions that reveal the writing process. Not all of this is included in the printed edition.

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